First, Let’s Listen

Melissa Daimler
7 min readJun 4, 2020
Art by Lo Harris

I am still processing what has been happening this past week. The protests, the rage, the sadness, the loss. What can I — a White woman — possibly say that is helpful? What can I say that would ever be enough? And, what if I say something that inadvertently offends, even as I try to express my solidarity? How do I express my clunky thoughts in a way that helps, doesn’t hurt?

I took to social media to see how others have shared (or not shared) their thoughts. I posted resources on Instagram. I donated. I retweeted posts about positive news. I got choked up seeing the photos and videos of peaceful protests all over the US, as well as abroad. I am listening to White Fragility — listening, instead of reading, because, in a hopeful sign, the book version is sold out from many online bookstores.

All of this is not enough; I know. It is barely making a dent. I kept telling myself that it is a start. Yet, I still felt unsettled.

As I was trying to figure out what to say, I noticed a lot of White men were speaking up, sharing possible solutions, some even professing they have the answer to end systemic racism. That White men can, and do often, speak more freely makes sense. They grew up in the system that perpetuates and encourages their ideas and perspectives. To be fair, in between the White men who suggested they have the answers, I was also inspired by many who…



Melissa Daimler

Systems Thinker & Doer. Writer. Advisor. Speaker. Contextualizer. Connector.